

Jung's Model of the Psyche

Following his break with Freud, Jung revised his model of the psyche. Whereas Freud’s psychology centred on the Ego, Jung’s psychology revolved around the Self. In this course, we will explore the history, development and components of Jung’s model, including the Ego, the Shadow, the Anima and Animus, the Self, and the process of Individuation.

Dream Analysis

The Art & Science of Dream Analysis

We can read about the deeper mind, the archetypes and the collective unconscious, or we can go there. The journey into the depths of one’s being begins with dream work. For this reason, Freud described the dream as the “royal road to the unconscious”. Jung, and von Franz further pioneered the way. In this course, we explore the nature of dreams, their symbolic language and the manner in which they speak to us.