The Lion King tells the story of the young lion cub, Simba. After his father, Mufasa, is trampled by the herd and killed, Simba loses his way before being pushed to find himself anew by the wise baboon Rafiki, and Nala, who implores Simba to challenge Scar who, in Simba's absence, has brought ruin to the lands.
The story traces the challenges and development of the Hero Archetype, which is central to one's sense of calling and one's place in the world. In this day and age, it is easy to be trampled by the herd, and many people now spend their time in search of a ‘Rafiki’ in a bid to rediscover themselves.
Tapping into and holding a connection to the hero archetype is not without its challenges. In this session, we will explore what it means to live or deny the hero archetype, and how one’s relationship with the archetype is reflected in one’s life.