Craig is Sydney-based Psychotherapist and has been teaching classes in dreamwork, astrology and archetypal psychology since 1988. He has also trained in Sandplay Therapy, Process Oriented Psychology and Jungian Psychology.
Craig hold a Masters degree in History & Anthropology from Wales University, Trinity St David, where he specialised in the study of Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.
In 2023, Craig was awared the stature of Diploma Candidate from the C. G Jung Institute in Zurich.
Craig is also the author of Returning the Ring - A Psychological Commentary of Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings and the originator of Psychodynamic Astrology, now available as the AstroCharts app on the Apple AppStore.
Just as the earth revolves around the sun, and not vice versa, psychology is due for a Copernican revolution. Rather than placing the ego at the centre, with a focus on personal development, Self-Oriented psychology approaches the psyche from a new perspective, where the challenges we experience are recognised as the call of the greater Self in its demand for the ongoing evolution of consciousness.
When we sleep, and lower the bounds of our ego-consciousness, out ego opens to the imaginal realm. We experience this as a dream. With practice, the imaginal realm may also be accessed whilst awake. This conscious, or shamanic, entry to the inner world allows us to explore and work at a deeper level both within ourselves, or on behalf of another.
Far from childish fantasies, myths, legends and fairy tales are rich with psychological insight. Rather than being approached literally, they describe inner truths. Greek myth, Bible stories, the Grail Legend, fairy tales such as Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Cap or Jack and the Beanstalk, all describe a set of developmental pathways that we play out on personal level.
The notion that the movements of the heavens might reflect one’s character or fate would appear preposterous to our modern, rational way of thinking. Yet, as incredible as it seems, there does appear to be a synchronous connection between the planetary positions and the psyche. Psychodynamic astrology marries the age-old science of astrology, with the recent developments of depth psychology.
A dream is a message from one’s deeper Self, and serves to guide one’s approach to the outer life as well as lead one on an inner journey. A dream is a riddle, pitched just beyond the bounds of consciousness. When we engage and wrestle with the dreams, and experience that ‘Aha’ reaction, we arrive at an answer that represents nothing less than a new level of self-awareness.
Born of Jung’s Analytical Psychology, Archetypal Psychology describes the various forces operative within each of us. These include the Mother, Hero, Trickster, Lover, Warrior, Wiseman, Priestess, the Radical, Mystic, Wounded Healer, Fool, King, Queen and Authority figures. Depending upon the individual these archetypes may be developed, and accessible to consciousness, or undeveloped and problematic.
While we have some control over our physical body, it primarily operates at a level beyond our awareness. Our breath, heartbeat and digestive system, for example, all function automatically. Instinctive and reflexive actions kick in as required. If we are wounded or unwell, the body will heal itself without our need to think about it. The wisdom of the body surpasses our conscious will.
The same is true of the psyche.
As Jung demonstrated, there is not one, but two centres to the psyche. In addition to the ego, of which we are well aware, and think of as ‘I’, there is also the deeper Self, which, although hidden from view, describes the far more intelligent and forceful centre of the psyche.
Self-Oriented Psychotherapy allows the Self to lead the way, thereby acclelerating one's personsal process of development.
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