The Astrological Archetypes

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Saturday, July 20, 2024
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3:45 pm

About the Class

No longer in the heavens, or on top Mount Olympus, depth psychology suggest that the gods of old are to be found within, as the archetypes of our psyche.

Rather the Mars, we have our inner warrior. Instead of Venus, we have our love nature. Mercury is the trickster. The Sun the hero, the moon the mother and so on.

Yet these gods have not fallen into consciousness, but into the unconscious dimension of ourt being. And from there they strive toward consciousness. As Edinger explains, the psyche in an uproar with the gods that “want to know and be known”.

Curiously astrology serves as a means by which we may determine where we stand, on a personal a basis, with these collective archetypal forces. Given a knowledge of one’s horoscope, we may learn what each of these archetypes require of us.

In this session, we will explore the planetary archetypes and the process by which they emerge into consciousness.

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